Saturday, December 31, 2011


Lambing Season is just around the corner, and all four of the girls look like they were covered by our Ram, 'Prince'. He's 75% (ARR) and one ewe is 75%, while the other three are 50% Kerry hill. (So 5/8 KH babies)

The ewe on the left (with the white nose) is one of our first 50% lambs, while right beside her is our 75% Ram. He has good markings, and is a pretty calm ram, (by Cheviot and Kerry Hill standards). I haven't weighed him recently, but he looks to be in the 150-180 lb range (hard to tell before we shear). Our twin 50% rams were behemoths, well over 200 each, heterosis, I am sure.

The ewes are smaller than the Cheviot foundation ewes, probably down in the 125 pound range. I don't plan to keep any of the lambs (well the boys will go to the freezer, but we could part with ewe lambs and few have been spoken for).

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Other's thought to import them

A fellow I met through the blog emailed that he had read an account of people evaluating Kerry Hills for import to the US. "Modern Sheep Breeds and Management; 1907 (Welcome to read if you are so inclined).

Thanks Norm