Friday, April 30, 2010

Lambing Season

Another Lambing Season is over.

Two of our three 50% ewes that were AI'd dropped lambs, while one didn't take and was caught by the cleanup rams.

So our final tally for the season is: 1 75% ram lamb, 1 75% ewe lamb, 1 50% ram lamb, 1 50% ewe lamb, 4 25% ram lambs and 4 25% ewe lambs. From a flock of 11 (including the two rams) we ended up with a flock of 23! And a lambing ratio of 1 to 1.44. Not too bad considering the three AI (which skews lambing rates) and two yearling first time mothers.

So for this month we have to finish up shearing, and then flock dispersal! I intend to find homes for the 4 cheviot foundation ewes, the 50% and 25% lambs and keep the 2 75% lambs, and the 2 50% cleanup rams as well as the 5 50% ewes for AI next year. From 23 back down to an easily manageable eight or nine!